Setting Limits

Setting Limits

Ever found yourself trying to regain control by yelling things like “If you don’t stop fighting over it, I’ll throw that Nintendo Switch out the car window”?

Stop for a moment - that’s just not true, is it? You probably rely on that Switch for a bit of peace and quiet even more than your child does. Besides, it’s you who will foot the bill when the games console does smash off the tarmac. On top of which, your ‘empty’ threats are now just background noise to your kids.

Easing the Return To School in the age of COVID

Easing the Return To School in the age of COVID

Schools are due to open next week (as with everything, we’re cautiously saying ‘due’ cause goodness knows what can happen in a week in the current environment……). But this year, it’s a back to school like no other year. Families have had a lot to contend with in relation to the interruption to schooling this year:

Motivational Interviewing coming to BILD PBS Conference 2020

Motivational Interviewing coming to BILD PBS Conference 2020

Soiéir are delighted to announce that we’re teaming up once again with Matthew Spicer of Positive Behaviour Change Solutions in Tasmania. We are bringing two workshops to the British Institute of Learning Disability (BILD) Positive Behaviour Support Conference in Scotland in Spring this year.

Soiléir's First Roadtrip - Galway

Soiléir's First Roadtrip - Galway

I'm just back from stunning Salthill on Galway Bay where I was at the Conference of the Psychological Society of Ireland's Division of Behaviour Analysis. It's the annual meet up for those who want to geek out, discuss the finer points of 'reinforcement schedules', and get excited over graphs and pie charts. I suppose it’s not everyone’s idea of a good weekend, but it certainly was mine.